It’s Been One of Those Days

2 min readFeb 20, 2021

I’m having a day. You know the kind. The one where you wake up with a headache, internally screaming, with only 30min to get your pee-soaked infant bathed and dress yourself for a professional Zoom meeting. It’s one of those days that isn’t awful, but it’s also not great. I’m having a lot more of these lately.

“It’s been one of those days for three years now”

My sister gave me a mug right after my second son was born (not even 3 months ago, mind you) that reads “It’s been one of those days for three years now” in trendy Rae Dunn-esque lettering. Can I get that tattooed on my forehead? No? I’ll just keep brandishing my mug on our morning walks filled to the brim with lukewarm tea — because I can’t ever seem drink it while it’s hot. In fact, my toddler accidentally spilled that very mug one morning before I’d even had a sip. His only reaction was, “Made a mess.” Yeah, buddy. Sure did.

Photo by kishan bishnoi on Unsplash

That’s motherhood for ya. Lukewarm tea and lame apologies. It’s not the most glamorous occupation. Also, the pay is shit.

We’ve got 2 under 2 over here, and I’ve never worked so hard in my life. Truly. But I wouldn’t trade all the thankless tasks for anything. Time itself in this season is on a swinging pendulum, from pure bliss to pure chaos in a fraction of a second, and yet somehow I’ve never had more joy. What I’ve come to accept is that I certainly don’t love every moment of being a wife or a mother; but I love each of these people entrusted to me in every moment. And for now, that’s gotta be enough to keep us going. Just enough to brave another crazy, messy day.




I’m a young mom with a background in special ed, a B.S. of Human Services, and an M.A. of Nonprofit Leadership. Married, but writing was my very first love.